On Friday, June 27, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch will visit the Community Living Center at the Brockton VA Campus. In addition, he will meet with Vincent Ng, director of the Boston VA Healthcare System, to review the circumstances of the two reported cases of patient neglect.
Congressman Lynch is deeply troubled by the recent allegations of patient neglect cited by the Office of Special Counsel in its June 23rd report to President Obama. He released the following statement on the allegations:
“These instances of patient mistreatment and neglect as described by whistleblower complaints are totally unacceptable. While the vast majority of VA doctors, nurses and staff are dedicated hardworking professionals, every veteran deserves high quality care and must be able to trust and rely on our veterans facilities. Congress was in session until today, however I will be at the Brockton VA tomorrow to meet with administrators and review the circumstances of these two reported cases. I remain committed to fully investigating these allegations and working to resolve the issues with the VA healthcare system.”
Due to privacy concerns, the walkthrough and meeting will be closed press, but Congressman Lynch will be available after the visit for comment.
WHAT: Visit to Brockton VA Campus
WHO: Congressman Stephen F. Lynch
Vincent Ng, Director, Boston VA Healthcare System
WHEN: Friday, June 27, 10:15 a.m. (closed press walkthrough/meeting)
Media availability at 11:15 a.m.
WHERE: Outside of the Community Living Center
Brockton VA Campus, Building 4
940 Belmont Street
Brockton, MA 02301